
the various types of machinery Maplestory

At 2 rpm, mechanic mobile combat capability will increaseMaplestory Mesos substantially, "rocket" leaping high mechanic, when landing can also harm around the enemy. Through the

Reset the "portal" mechanic can also help move quickly between the team-mates on the map. Signboard of skills "atomic weight" gorgeous skill effects, mechanic will hammer hold up after use, and hammer

Ground, enemy in front of in the suffered a huge blow after it lapsed into unconsciousness. Mechanics can also call the various types of machinery, together with their operations, "Sputnik", "treatment

Robot "and" Accelerator "," amplifier "Buy MapleStory Mesoscan make combat easier, when fires broke out after a mechanic to arrive 4 to more powerful energy. Machinists can fight

Switch forms at any time of the actual situation, "prototype", "heavy machine gun," and "missile chariot" three forms of rational use of push fighting have become full of fun.

One of the most exciting is when the mechanic with a four go after which you can call out huge Titan robot, Titan robot be extremely powerful, simultaneously attacked all enemies around, while

Called after the Titans, to a certain Cheap MapleStory Mesosperiod of time will activate, continuous input normal attack keys, can activate the punching can, up to twice times injuries. Whenever the mechanic to evolve this skill

Time has had to make an exclamation point that is "Big" Ah!

On January 18 against the strongest professional "mechanic" Lord of the King, shocking debut! Mechanics and diverse skills of either a practice-level or a BOSS to meet freely, is definitely in the most

As an important mainstay. In order for theCheap Mesos player to be able to better capture the charm of Maplestory big changes, the game also prepared a series of wonderful theme activities for players, reached the blood back playing

Home! Players on the line that has gifts, fun online activity makes you happy! Infinite surprises, in Maplestory, of the big changes!

