Of the Sabre and Dragon souls property inmaplestory mesos property promotion for figures occupy a very important position. Soul property can get extra bonus from the soul growth in value, MapleStory numerical takes the souls to upgrade the bonus value. Soul in "eat" enhanced refining equipment you get, add up the souls of soul of the value can be used to grow value addition and activate property value addition for upgrade.
In the figure above, weapons parts of soul growth has reached the value 20%,MapleStory and activate property value of 2%. buy maplestory mesosThese additional properties will be reflected in the soul and activated in the property property.
Soul system, activation attributes is to embody specific activation of the number of property values, this value is directly attached to character properties. In theory if the corresponding parts of equipment than soul properties, successful activation properties should equal the soul property. On this basis, that can add activate property maple story mesosvalue of the bonus to reach the final effect that activates the property promotion. Soul bonus per level of activation attributes can improve activation property 1% property value, maximum upgrade 10 times, MapleStory reaches 10% activation attribute bonuses. $ As weapon parts soul property to 1000 physical exercises, weapon all the properties of 1000 physical exercises, activation attributes plus as 2%, values in actual activated and attached to the character attributes to 1020.
On the map is the soul of a weaponbuy mesos system, after you attach the soul growth bonus, worth of soul property 1178 physical exercises, and activating property and became the soul 2%, final actual activation 1201 physical exercises.